Photographer: © 2014-2016 Dave Waselle · All Rights Reserved.
Porcelain Crab | Solomon Islands
As the clownfish in this anemone became irritated with a flash going off from a camera in their face every 5 seconds, it’s edges started to curl up revealing this little critter. I do mean little! If he was sandwiched between two nickels, no part of his body would be visible. In fact, I was so focused on the clownfish I almost didn’t see him. The edge of the anemone did a flowing curl motion like a wave and his white body gave him away.
I was fortunate that this anemone was next to a wall in a large canyon. I was suspended, eye level and had the appropriate 1:1 macro set-up on one of my cameras. I was only able to rack off about 3 shots before the anemone closed, giving him protection inside. This was the best of the three.
You can say I was lucky. But as a good friend and fellow photographer said: “good photographers make their good luck happen”. I was prepared. I had a camera with the appropriate set-up; I was watchful for movement in the anemone and close surrounding area. In a manner of speaking…I was prepared. It’s like taking a glove to a baseball game in hopes of catching a ball. How many times do you go home empty handed? But that one time you needed it…BINGO!!!