Photographer: © 2014-2016 Dave Waselle · All Rights Reserved.
Flamingo Tongue Snail | San Salvador, Bahamas
You don’t have to worry about these guys swimming away on you. The only trick to shooting them is to get a good angle creating good composition. I always say, “never shoot down at your subject”. With these fellows as you subject, there aren’t that many other options. They are so close to the coral that to get level with them they have to be at the edge of the coral they are munching on.
This was shot in approximately 35 feet of water. They have tendencies to be in water ranging in depths from 10′ to 40′. The location was off the island of San Salvador in the Bahamas. It is the outer most island in the Bahamas and this is where Columbus landed first when he discovered the Americas. Here’s a picture of an underwater monument marking the spot where Columbus (by his records) dropped his anchor. That is not a blotch of crud on the image over the “N” in north. It is a blue surgeon fish measuring 3″ in length which can aid in imagining the actual size of the monument.