Photographer: © 2014-2016 Dave Waselle · All Rights Reserved.
Octopus | Kona, Hawaii
How do you get a shot of an octopus at this angle? I confess…I had help. Jeff, the owner and operator of Jack’s Diving Locker located on the “Big Island’s” Kona Coast, has a real knack for not only finding these critters, but getting them out of their tight crevices where they hide for protection. We had quite the time with this guy. When they get this red, they’re pretty ticked off.
He crawled all over Jeff trying to escape. I have a shot where he is right over Jeff’s face like in the “Alien” movie scene. He rested for a brief moment on his arm and I was able to capture the main visual above .
Some Hawaii insight: They say, and I agree, that the best coffee in the world is grown in Kona. I have sampled quite a few brands and they are all great! Make sure you get 100% Kona Coffee. If it says blend, they only have to put 5% in and 95% can be cheap filler. Coffee lovers…knock yourself out!