Photographer: © 2014-2016 Dave Waselle · All Rights Reserved.
Coral/Sponge | Yap, Micronesia
I always like to shoot coral polyps when they are opened up and feeding. It seems you always get some interesting results. This was a 1:1 macro set-up on a Nike III. A 35 mm lense mounted to a 1:1 extension tube and then to the camera body. Polyps on the slide image are actual size of the subject.
In this case, this is a species of leather coral. The polyps are plump by comparison to other corals. I love the texture in this image. I saw the smallest little bump of a red encrusting sponge in the middle of this cluster. You have to look for it but it’s there. The texture of it became more noticeable on the film, resembling a strawberry. I really love some of the surprises that the ocean and nature supply. We need to appreciate and get to know our planet more.